Fol. 18v
«1505 martedì sera addì 14 aprile venne Lorenzo a stare con me e disse di avere 17 anni
E addì 15 del detto aprile ebbi ducati 25 d'oro dal camerlengo di S. Maria Novella.»
(1505 Tuesday evening on 14 April Lorenzo came to stay with me, and said that he was 17 years old. On the 15th of that April I received 25 gold ducats from the camerlingo of Santa Maria Novella.)
«…dal monte che tiene il nome del grande uccello piglierà il volo il famoso uccello che riempirà il mondo della sua grande gloria»
(…from the mountain that takes its name from the great bird [Monte Ceceri; Cecero was an old Italian word for swan] the famous bird will take flight, filling the world with its great glory.)
NOTE. For each page of Leonardo’s Codex we provide a brief summary, with the quotation of one that page’s most significant passages edited in modern Italian, with an English translation.
translation by Kim Williams